This project is intented to all people interested in using the Tundra
Universe II PCI to VME bridge to access VMEBus resources from a linux based
To make usage of the VMEBus as easy as possible this project includes
not only the driver but also additional software and documentation. In
detail these are:
Driver: The driver initializes the universe II bridge
when its loaded and allows access to VMEBus and its resources
via driver calls.
C++ interface class: The VMEBridge interface
class provides the user with a set of VMEBus related functions
without the need to know about driver details.
It handles all necessary driver calls and address calculations,
manages image handling and many more things.
New classes can simply be inherited to develop support for special
Test and demonstration programs: To learn how to use
this interface class, many small test and demonstration programs
are included in this project. Every program shows the use of one
special feature (i.e mailbox access or DMA handling) and is
explained in detail in the documentation (see below).
VME debugger: A small but very usefull debugging tool to
test VMEbus modules.
Complete documentation in pdf: This documentation
includes chapters like: